Financial Information

Analyst Coverage
In accordance with the stipulations established in the internal regulations of the Mexican Stock Exchange in Article 4.033.01, fraction VIII, in regard to maintenance requirements, we report that the brokerage house that covers our stock is Grupo Bursatil Mexicano, S.A de C.V., Casa de Bolsa, and Miranda Global Research, an independent analysis firm.

Miranda Global Research / Vector

Financial Highlights




Operating Income




Net Income

Amounts non audited, expressed in millions of pesos at the end of the fourth quarterr of 2023
**EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization
Millions of pesos 4Q24 3Q24 2Q24 1Q24 4Q23 3Q23 2Q23 1Q23 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Income Statement
Revenue 1,131.8 1,117.4 1,073.9 1,079.7 1,032.6 956.5 1,068.0 1,072.7 4,129.8 3,867.9 3,906.1 3,193.6 2,747.8 3,607.6
Gross Income 381.0 372.0 356.0 382.7 330.8 313.7 401.2 412.3 1,458.0 1,367.2 1,535.1 1,206.2 908.8 1,111.0
Operating Income 183.1 157.2 50.4 177.5 129.4 235.9 181.8 180.3 727.4 574.4 661.6 602.3 382.5 392.8
Net Income 135.0 122.2 82.4 121.9 160.2 200.7 132.3 141.8 635.0 949.8 1,154.5 558.9 140.6 156.2
EBITDA** 233.5 208.2 141.1 223.4 279.2 280.5 226.5 223.1 1,009.3 1,399.4 1,831.4 1,255.3 714.6 613.7
Balance Sheet
Total Assets 4,411.2 4,354.7 4,220.5 4,278.3 4,128.1 4,165.0 4,068.3 4,765.9 17,127.3 4,576.4 6,984.0 6,279.2 5,846.8 5,556.1
Current Assets 1,558.2 1,462.5 1,327.4 1,362.1 1,272.1 1,323.5 1,228.1 1,956.0 5,779.7 1,685.0 4,133.1 1,618.2 1,043.2 1,050.5
Non-Current Assets 2,853.0 2,892.2 2,893.1 2,916.2 2,856.0 2,841.5 2,840.2 2,809.9 11,347.6 2,891.3 2,850.9 4,660.9 4,803.6 4,505.7
Total Liabilities 2,067.2 2,132.2 2,120.2 2,119.2 2,090.9 2,165.7 2,232.8 2,146.9 8,636.3 2,054.1 2,069.7 2,270.3 2,164.3 2,012.8
Short Term 2,002.0 2,079.2 1,067.7 1,064.8 1,039.5 1,117.7 1,179.3 1,092.8 4,429.3 997.3 1,003.8 963.7 963.6 807.5
Long Term 65.2 53.1 1,052.6 1,054.4 1,051.4 1,048.0 1,053.5 1,054.2 4,207.1 1,056.8 1,065.9 1,306.6 1,200.7 1,205.3
Shareholders’ Equity 2,344.0 2,222.4 2,100.3 2,159.1 2,037.2 1,999.3 1,835.4 2,619.0 8,490.9 2,522.3 4,914.3 4,008.9 3,682.5 3,543.3
ROE 19.7% 14.7% 9.7% 44.0% 31.2% 30.6% 30.6% 35.50% 31.2% 37.7% 23.5 % 13.9% 3.8% 4.4%
Financial Ratios (x)
Total Debt/EBITDA dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_total_ebitda_2024_4T dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_total_ebitda_2024_3T dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_total_ebitda_2024_2T dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_total_ebitda_2024_1T dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_total_ebitda_2023_4T dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_total_ebitda_2023_3T dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_total_ebitda_2023_2T dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_total_ebitda_2023_1T dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_total_ebitda_2023 dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_total_ebitda_2022 dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_total_ebitda_2021 dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_total_ebitda_2020 1.9 1.8
Net Debt/EBITDA dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_neta_ebitda_2024_4T dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_neta_ebitda_2024_3T dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_neta_ebitda_2024_2T dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_neta_ebitda_2024_1T dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_neta_ebitda_2023_4T dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_neta_ebitda_2023_3T dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_neta_ebitda_2023_2T dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_neta_ebitda_2023_1T dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_neta_ebitda_2023 dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_neta_ebitda_2022 dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_neta_ebitda_2021 dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_neta_ebitda_2020 dfr_tabla_dato_deuda_neta_ebitda_2019 1.5
Closing Price 34.00 28.50 37.50 48.00 48.00 42.00 40.64 39.89 40.63 37.20 48.7 33.6 21.5 34.00
Shares Outstanding ¡¡95,404,837 95,739,768 95,739,768 95,739,768 95,739,768 95,739,768 95,739,768 95,739,768 95,739,768 106,574,875 123,281,750 123,281,750 123,281,750 123,281,750
Figures in millions of pesos
** EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization.
* The 2019, 2020, 2021 results include the effects of IFRS 16
* Audited Figures of 2019, 2020 and 2021 are from Médica Sur and Subsidiaries, discontinued operations have been separated to facilitate reading. EBITDA and Net Income do contain the effect of discontinued operations.
* All the financial information presented was prepared in accordance with IFRS (international financial reporting standards).
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